SocketPro is a package of software components written from batching, asynchrony and parallel computations with many unique and critical features to help you easily and quickly develop secured internet-enabled client and server applications with super performance and scalability.
Key Benefits of SocketPro:
- Super performance: It is guaranteed that SocketPro based client-server applications beat all of WCF, .Net remoting, DCOM, COM/Surrogation, MTS/COM , Corba, Java RMI and Web service in speed UNDER ALL CASES! No joke!
- None of the common frameworks provides more features than SocketPro. Many of SocketPro features are found ONLY in SocketPro.
- Simple to use: SocketPro solves many complex problems for developing real distributed applications. The latest version of SocketPro is simpler to use than any of the common distributed application frameworks. Text tutorials, video tutorials, samples, and articles are provided.
- Notification service or real-time communication: SocketPro implements a built-in notification service without additional coding, which enables you to notify a message to one or more clients either from a remote server or from a client.
- Different programming experience and lots of fun: SocketPro is written from batching, asynchrony and parallel computations. You have a totally different programming experience with lots of fun, and will have no or much less multithreading and event problems to bother you!
- Accessing your data securely anywhere over all of types of networks, Dial-up, cable, DSL, Wireless modems, and LAN
- SocketPro is created for internet development with all of types of networks. You can share your databases, files, and messages over all of types of networks in real-time fashion. You can even use a phone line modem to access these data with decent speed.
- All window platforms and devices as well as web browsers fully supported
- Beginning from version 5, SocketPro fully supports HTTP protocol. You can use HTTP protocol to access SocketPro from whatever your development environments and languages.
- Secure with industrial standards: Support SSL/TLS, UDAParts security protocol and customized protocol to secure all of data transaction between clients and servers. It supports three methods (Own, Security Support Provider Interface, and Mixed) to authenticate client connections.
- Support all of COM-enabled development languages for client applications: SocketPro comes with a set of COM objects exposing IDispatch-derived interfaces. It can be used with all of COM-enabled development languages.
- Support lots of development languages for server applications: The latest version of SocketPro supports not only C/C with all of compilers available, but also .Net languages. SocketPro supports all development languages capable of handling window callbacks and threads.
- Great interoperability: Unlike common distributed frameworks, SocketPro has great interoperability among many different development languages. For example, you can easily let old VB code directly communicate the latest dotNet managed code without any help from other middle components.
- Support multiple services with one port: As shown in samples, SocketPro server provides different services with one TCP/IP port. You can easily add your services into a SocketPro server. All of services can be switched at run time.